At this time we are accepting work that adheres to the guidelines of our special project. For a wee bit more info, see the submission form for the Collaborative Poem project.
Please note we are currently an exclusively online journal.
All submission titles should be written like this: Last Name_First Name_Title of Work. If submitting multiple works, instead of writing all titles, please write something like this: Last Name_First Name_Five Photos or Last Name_First Name_Three Poems. We accept original work in English, CatalĂ , Castellano, and Deutsch, as well as other languages upon interest.
Please include a third-person biography of 150 words or fewer (we prefer fewer). Artists need not send an artist statement unless it seems relevant. Please do not list all previous publications in the bio, only the most recent or most significant. Please include any links to personal websites, major publications, social media, or whatever else seems helpful. Do not hesitate to contact us with questions.
We prefer to publish previously unpublished work. If your work is accepted elsewhere, please notify us or withdraw your work. If it is published elsewhere and you have already signed a contract with us, the contract will be considered null and void. If you do receive an acceptance from us and do not respond within two weeks, we will consider your work unavailable for publication. If you have any doubts, questions, or concerns or are unsure if your work qualifies, please contact us directly at
We will do our best to accommodate special formatting but cannot guarantee this. Please wait at least five months before inquiring about your work. Failure to adhere to any of these guidelines does not mean we will reject your work; it just makes our jobs easier.
N.B. We are a team of four living on separate continents, and we each have our own daily struggles, whether they be striving to earn a living wage despite (or because) of holding a PhD in Humanities or living in a world that does not accommodate Neurominorities; therefore, we appreciate your patience! Thank you for considering Punt Volat a haven for your work.
If you would like to join this collaborative project, which will be an ongoing project for the next four years or as long as we feel it necessary, please submit a continuation or your own version of the poem found on this page. You may ask to include your name or remain anonymous.
We will do our best to accommodate what we can.